One of the frequent problems I encounter with SCRUM is the limited number of roles it supports (Product Owner, Scrum Master and Development Team). These days, a wider set of people need to be involved and I believe that DSDM has a very workable solution.

DSDM recognises the following roles:

    Business Sponsor
    Business Visionary
    Business Ambassador
    Business Advisor
    Business Analyst
    Project Manager
    Team Leader
    Solution Developer
    Solution Tester
    Technical Coordinator
    Technical Advisor

The Business Ambassador maps to the Product Owner in SCRUM; but so often a senior member of the Business team set the vision for the endeavour although not involved on a daily basis has a keen interest in the outcome. Equally, many members of the business community have an interest in the outcome of the endevour and they ought to be recognised in the project. Clearly there can only be one final business decision maker (the Abmassador).

I will write a short paper on this soon – another page for the top menu!